Welcome to my city! Don't mind the mess ^_^;
My name is Ducky! I'm the mayor of this here virtual city. It's a place dedicated to the web that once was. Something my younger self would have enjoyed exploring~ Please make yourself at home. Why not do some siteseeing?
This site is under heavy construction.Despite my title as mayor, I'm quite inexperienced -w-;;

In the meantime, I hope you will sign my guestbook!

9/18/2024: Since my last update, I've added a couple new pages! A Links and Credit page :) I also added a mood status on the right navbar. Cute huh? Next big things to tackle are my Diary and Fun Stuff page. Currently making some content to add to the latter. Everything is slowly starting to come together ^_^
9/2/2024: I'm finally making some good progress on the site ^^ My about page is pretty much done and I'm almost done sprucing up the overall look of the page as well. Once that's finished. I can finally start work on other pages of the site. Thanks for sticking around and being patient!
8/26/2024: I've done just a tad bit more work onto my site! I started work on my About page. Slow and steady, right? ;_; I even added a few affiliates on the left to some childhood fav sites I used to frequent growing up. I'm hoping to do some more significant work before my birthday which is coming up so stay tuned!
7/29/2024: Hai!! Lately I've been in the mood to really put work into my site. I'm hoping this motivation will stick around. Expect small but more frequent updates. I'm hoping to do at least a bit of work on my page at least several times a week. I even started work on my about page. Yay!!
7/19/2023 Added a link to my guestbook and working links to nav bar (all but the guesbook are under construction.) Speaking of guestbook, why don't you check it out and perhaps sign it too ^.^